Friday 15 January 2010

A Sign That We Do Not Learn From Our Mistakes

So... yesterday was supposed to be a nice get together with the guys from work. Does it ever go the way planned?

Work finished at 8, we had about an hour and a half to get ready and be at the train station. Rachel was home, so while doing my makeup, the idiot accidentally set off the fire alarm to which I almost poked out my eyeball with my eyeliner.

Met at the train station and caught the straight to Glasgow train. Which meant we had roughly 20 minutes to pre-drink. Yeah man. Bottle of rosé between Robbie and me while Stef was having a panic-attack about her swollen fingers and the ring that was stuck. Dave had to Vaseline that bad-boy off. [insert joke here] There's too many for me to even type.

Went to Frankenstein's for more drinks... and stayed longer than anticipated which should've been a major clue as to where the night was heading. Made our way to Karbon, where according to Stef it was full of posers. Nice. But it was student night which meant that it'll be cheap drinks... yeah man!

Inside, we managed to grab a table and just gawked at the beautiful people there. Barring the fact that half the girls were dressed in basically a bra and skirt, the men were gorgeous. This was attested by the fact that while at the bar, I could basically feel robbie's boner as he leered at some angelic looking underager. And how robbie was caught by some dude checking out his friend's ass.

Drinks were a pound each. End of story.

Next thing we know we're getting ready to leave and we're in the cloak queue when the next thing I know, Dave shoots past us and dissapears with Robbie hot on his heels. I find them outside with Robbie hovering over Dave like some mother hen and Stef nowhere in sight.

After about 20 minutes, Stef appears, stumbling down the alley towards us in her heels. We walk for ages to some chippy and then all happily hop into a taxi. Stef starts chatting the poor taximan up, who when he revealed that his name was also Stef but with two 'f's' instead of one, Stef was overjoyed and seemed unable to comprehend such facts and so just ended up calling him 'stefstef'. Dave was meanwhile, curled up in the corner with a death-grip on his chippy.

We didn't sleep until 5 in the morning, when we all passed out on sofa.

Woke up at 11 to the worst hangover of my life. Maybe not THE worst, but pretty close. The hangover didn't leave until I went to bed at 11 at night. What kind of ball-sack hangover lasts over 12 hours?!??!?

Probably didn't help that we went to see Avatar in 3D, thought I was going to throw up when they went flying. Not good. Especially with children in the theatre with us. I am such a good role model.