Friday 14 May 2010

Glasgow Take 2

So.... exam on the 26th but i can't muster up the Fear yet. There are 6 questions on the 6 different topics and I only have to answer 2. Not happening.

Robbie and I have worked out that we have been out at least once a week since the 8th of April. Then there were the birthdays, Final Fling and the Sports Ball.

Originally I was not planning on going out, I still had a residue cough from Final Fling on the Saturday but I'm easily persuaded. Ran home to change and met Nick and Robbie at the station. We got the express train over to Glasgow so we had about 25 minutes to finish our drink... Nick and Robbie almost finished theres in the last 10 minutes of the journey while I was trying not to gag over my wine. When we arrived at the station, Stef hadn't arrived yet, so we sat there and drank the rest of the booze between us. Robbie called Dave and said that if he wanted to leave the suitcase at Stef's he better come now. Dave was having a nice dinner with his Grandparents and cousin at the time so when he got the call he literally bolted from the table and ran to the station only to find that none of us had actually called Stef yet.

Stef arrived and we all threw our stuff into Stef's mom's car and went our merry way to Whetherspoon's for pre-drinks. Stef and Nick went straight for the jaeger bombs, while Robbie and I decided a pitcher of something called MonsterMash was the way to go. Placed closed at 12ish so we made our way to Kushion. On the way met Ally who pointed us in the right direction and then we got free tickets for Kushion about a block from the place. When we went in we were each given a raffle ticket and the prize would be two Rihanna tickets at the SECC next week. Ignoring that we headed straight to the bar where we were absolutely delighted to find out that drinks were a pound. Fuck yeah!

Robbie and I proceeded to perve on the cute bartender with Robbie asking the other bartender each time we were up if 'he was still gay' and for him to 'hurry and gay up'. We kept on having tequila shots WITHOUT the lime because they ran out so we had to chase that with a vodka coke which made me almost sick. Halfway through the night, the raffle was drawn and Robbie won the Rihanna tickets! Despite the fact he hated Rihanna and how she ruined summer for him because of her Umbrella song.

By the end of the night we were pretty wasted, we had about 3 tequila shots, 2 sour shots, countless vodka cokes and all the booze we had drank before hand. HOW were we still alive? While waiting outside for Stef, Nick and Dave to get their jackets, Robbie and I were basically loitering about when a guy started chatting to me. We talked for a bit and then said by and Robbie was like 'Why didn't you go with him!? He was into you!' How highschool of you, Robbie. And I was 'Dude, go after him for me then' sarcastically, forgetting that when Robbie is drunk, Robbie is easily manipulated. Robbie ran after him and unsure which one he actually was, he ran past them and then doubled back.

Meanwhile Stef, Nick and Dave came out and we grabbed Robbie and started on our way to the line of chippies. Robbie reported that the guy was leaving for Singapore tomorrow (which I have told him already) and that it wouldn't be fair on me. I was just too busy trying to keep up with Robbie as he ran LITERALLY ran towards the chippy. We must have ran into 4 four them and they kept on running out. Totally gutted. But we persevered in the end although I didn't get my crunchy pizza :(

The next day, Dave had to catch a flight from Prestwick down to London, so Robbie and I accompanied him to the station and got the first train back to Stirling. While hanging off the chairs, Dan called. He, too, had been out the night before with the hockey team in Stirling and he sounded rough. We agreed to our usual lunch at our new Hangover Hangout - Cape. But since Robbie and I had decided to shower first, we would call Dan. But when we arrived we decided to grab something to eat first instead but Dan refused to pick up. So we went to Dan's flat to get him (and also because Robbie said he wanted to drop a bomb). Robbie buzzed since I wasn't sure which one he lived in. Some passing chav went 'just go in, mate' and Robbie busted the door and we were in. Safe. When we got up to his floor, Robbie realised he had been buzzing the flat next door instead. Dick. Will answered the door in his hoody and underwear and insisted on giving me a hug. Dan was still comatosed on the bed so we trooped into the living room, which looked like a bomb had exploded and left bottles everywhere. Will started bustling about the place, putting the kettle on and started to clean up. Robbie stood up and declared that he was going to use their toilet because he was at the stage where it was literally half out and that there was nothing Will could do about this. I listened to him stomp his way through and about 10 seconds later I heard Robbie's mournful wail 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!'. Turns out their flat had run out of toilet paper.

So Will said he'll get it for Robbie and proceeded to flaff about for a further 15 minutes before he went downstairs to the shop. Dan eventually got up and curled up next to Robbie on the sofa afterwards, cradling a giant mug of tea. It took us close to 2 hours before we went to Niall's across the street. During this time, we talked about Rick's ball being kicked in when he was a kid by a cow, Rick drowning kittens, Dan passing out on his bed, Rick talking about farming with some girl and the general wonderful invention known as paracetamol.

So exam in 2 weeks time and I'm out again next thursday. FML