Tuesday 20 April 2010

Its been awhile!

I realise I've been really bad at updating this thing. Not only because of my damn dissertation and this essay, but because I had to prepare for the Sports Ball, Grad Ball and the Final Fling.

First thing off my chest was the dissertation. I finished it a day early so I could go out on the Thursday. Managed to rope in Stef (who had also finished her dissertation), Robbie, Gill, Josh and Nick. Since we had work, Stef and I didn't start drinking until 8 and even then we weren't drinking that fast. We had a bottle of vodka to share between us two and Robbie, so there was no way we were going to be drunk. And a bottle of Mickey Finns. And some wine. But yeah, by the time we went out around 12ish, the alcohol was definitely tickling our brains, but good ol' Rachel was driving up to uni at MIDNIGHT to pickup Myles (aka My Boner from now on) so she dropped us off at FUBAR.

Next morning, Nick had work at 11, so he disappeared early-ish. Gill and Josh were up at uni while Stef and I were dealing with a hangover from hell. It was also the Sports Ball on this wonderful day and we were seriously contemplating just drinking to make the pain stop. Its a very fine line between alcoholism and sobriety when you are at uni. Met Robbie for lunch in town and he was equally as hungover. Afterwards, we all hurried back to our place to get ready because Gill beleived it would take over 2 hours to do my hair. It took her 45 minutes. So I ended up sitting there with my hair all done for AGES. We ordered a taxi for uni and that bastard didn't show up for ages so we got another one. First thing I did when I got off the taxi? Drop my bottle of wine. I'm such a klutz. Met My Boner & Co. on the way to the campus shop for another bottle of wine and he handed me a bottle of beer.

So there we were, standing outside the MacRobert Theatre, on campus, waiting for the coaches to arrive, all dressed in our finery.... and swigging alchohol from the bottle. Yep, we're pure Class. I didn't even start on my bottle of wine until we were ON the coach, so I necked it in 20 minutes and when we got to the hotel, there was a champagne reception! Met a new friend from netball, where we decided to down our first glass of champagne so we could get another one. By the time we were seated, I'm pretty sure I was VERY drunk. Basically had to throw up before the second course and just continued drinking. Gazal would've been so proud. All during this, MY HANGOVER WAS STILL THERE. None of this, 'oh your hangover would be gone when you drink again', that's absolute balls. In effect, I had a two day hangover.

The next morning, Fiona wanted me to go out again. And truth be told, it this was back in first year, I would've said yes. but sadly enough I'm not 18 anymore. I'm 21. A lightweight. And am I(hopefully) off the booze until Final Fling, where this year I shall again drink 1 x bottle of wine, 7 x double vodkas, X number of shots, steal someone elses taxi and wake up still drunk at 4PM the next day with my contacts still in.