Sunday 8 November 2009

What the hell?

Quote of the Day:
[Scene: behind an elderly couple walking in Tescos with a full trolley]
R: Take your time there
T: Not much time left by the looks of it

Movie review: Bolt (I know its been out for ages, but please! I've barely got time to do my own laundry most days)
Pros: MacBob cinema tickets at 3pounds? Yes please.'I'm a poor student.
Cons: GODDAMN CHILDREN. Especially the one that barked everytime dog barked and the other one that repeated everything the cat said. WTF parents? Where you too drunk or high to realise that your kids are a bloody nuisance?

Current thing that 'grinds my gears'?
Xfactor. Its taken up my weekends officially. Its a crappy, seeming scripted talent show that has the entire country talking and yet we still can't seem to drag ourselves away from the box when its 8 on a saturday night.
Black Eyed Peas performed tonight. Who does the sound on this program anyways? Its appalling. As is Will.I.Am flying through the audience and Fergie dressed like a woman and not a tranny. Where's your husband Fergie?
Leona Lewis: awesome voice... shame about the face that resembles the horses she loves so much.

P.s. Simon obviously wants to bone Leona, even after all these years....

Thursday 4 June 2009

Planning is not as easy as you'd think

tried planning for this Euro trip in July. Thank god, i'm not in charge, else we'll all be sleeping at the trainstations and hitchhiking everywhere instead. God i'm tired